SES Funding

IDSS works to ensure all students are fully funded for the duration of their program, assuming they are progressing satisfactorily in research and academics. Full funding includes tuition, stipend, and the MIT Student Health Insurance Plan.

For their first two semesters, students are typically funded by a fellowship, allowing them to explore the breadth of research offered in IDSS. In addition to external fellowships, IDSS will nominate candidates for MIT’s competitive internal fellowships, administered by the Office of Graduate Education, and for Hammer Fellowships awarded by IDSS.

Afterwards students will usually contribute to ongoing research by working as research assistants. Additionally all students are required to teach, usually as a teaching trainee, for a minimum of one semester. In particular, SES students have priority for teaching opportunities in the IDSS MicroMasters Program in Statistics and Data Science.

Two pie charts showing that 100% of first year students receive a fellowship, while funding for second year students and beyond are 80% RAs, 16% TAs, and 4% fellowships
Typical example of student funding (Fall 2019).


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MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
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Cambridge, MA 02139-4307